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npm install --save-dev mugshot

Or alternatively with yarn

yarn add -D mugshot


Depending on how you want to take screenshots, you'll need a Screenshotter implementation. Mugshot bundles a WebdriverScreenshotter that you can use with Webdriver compatible clients e.g. Selenium or Appium. Each client might need an adapter that translates its API to the interface that Mugshot expects. The following adapters are available:


If none of the provided adapters suit you, you can just roll your own by implementing the Webdriver interface. See the docs on how to validate your implementation.

Implementing your own Webdriver adapter#

Mugshot ships with a few adapters for the most popular webdriver clients, but if you need something else then you can easily write your own. You need to implement the Webdriver interface by providing a way to take screenshots, get element geometry and execute scripts on the page.

To validate your implementation you can run the contract tests. Each suite consists of a number of tests that need your adapter implementation and a way to set up the test environment.

The example below illustrates how to run the tests with Jest for PuppeteerAdapter:

import { webdriverContractSuites } from '@mugshot/contracts';
import { PuppeteerAdapter } from '@mugshot/puppeteer';
import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
describe('PuppeteerAdapter', () => {
let browser!: puppeteer.Browser, page!: puppeteer.Page;
beforeAll(async () => {
browser = await puppeteer.launch();
page = await browser.newPage();
afterAll(async () => {
await browser.close();
const setup = {
url: (path: string) => page.goto(path),
Object.keys(webdriverContractSuites).forEach((suite) => {
describe(suite, () => {
webdriverContractSuites[suite].forEach((test) => {
it(, () =>, new PuppeteerAdapter(page)));